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OUR Inspiration

  1. ​​This is the first generation of connected global citizens.

  2. They are compassionate, and ready to help one another.

  3. Kids on Earth is filled with the authentic voices of kids around the world.

  4. We provide a platform to connect the world's children and teenagers.

There are 2 billion curious children and teenagers on earth who have a right to learn about the world.

Kids on Earth uses short video interviews to amplify the authentic stories of children and create a network of caring and compassionate global citizens. 





  1. Every Child Matters: Every child's story is unique, and all children have the right to tell their story to the world.​

  2. Authentic Voices Matter: â€‹Instead of shaping and producing human interest stories, we capture the authentic, unedited, and unscripted stories real children in their own words.

  3. Every Culture Matters: Someday, we hope Kids on Earth will showcase children from every country in the world, but that's insufficient. We need to showcase children from as many cultures as we possibly can.

  4. We Are Part of a Global Academic and Professional Community: This is public media in the purest sense. Our global and international team actively engages scholars, media makers, educators, community leaders and parents across sectors, disciplines and fields of endeavor.

  5. Global Citizenship: Our mission and practice is inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and by the ongoing efforts of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Our interdisciplinary and international experience as media makers, storytellers and childhood experts empowers us to work alongside children to create a digital space for global citizenship based on our values:



OUR innovation

  1. We are starting with video to bring children and teenagers to life on screens throughout the world.

  2. Soon, we will add writing, maps, games, photographs, music, food, games, social media, artificial reality, and other tools to promote global citizenship.

  3. We have begun to build and grow a platform for formal and informal learning, for use in and out of the classroom, so young people can teach one another about the world.

  4. As the platform and the global community takes shape, we will connect compassionate children and teenagers to help their peers all over the world.



Kids on Earth produces short videos that amplify the authentic stories of children and teenagers to build a web of connected and compassionate kids focused on sustainable development.

We Can Help Other People

We Can Help Other People
We Can Help Other People
Play Video

We Can Help Other People

Martin talks about England, Uganda and U.S. Slavery
Play Video

Martin talks about England, Uganda and U.S. Slavery

Life at Home, Life at School, and Not Being Chinese in Hong Kong
Play Video

Life at Home, Life at School, and Not Being Chinese in Hong Kong

My Two Schools: One in England, One in Uganda
Play Video

My Two Schools: One in England, One in Uganda

Is It Possible to Help the Poor?
Play Video

Is It Possible to Help the Poor?

Why My Name Begins with the Letter G
Play Video

Why My Name Begins with the Letter G

Maybe a Designer, Maybe in Greenland
Play Video

Maybe a Designer, Maybe in Greenland

British Schools by Grade
Play Video

British Schools by Grade





We have used our platform and experience to amplify the stories of 99 children. Each child has the same opportunity to share their authentic stories with children around the world. 



We have talked to children in Uganda, Hong Kong, England, India, Sri Lanka, Russia, Ukraine, and Korea with production set to begin in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mexico, Germany, Poland, Scotland, and The United States.



Our international team of children and adults has produced more than 80 videos of children talking about their everyday lives, their aspirations, and their home countries.

Our Vision

By 2019, we will have worked alongside children from more than 100 countries to produce more than 1,000 videos. In addition, this library of videos will help children all over the world will feel more connected and more compassionate.


Howard Blumenthal


Howard is a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. He created and produced Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?, an iconic PBS Children's television series about global cultures.

Morgan Belveal


Morgan holds degrees in International Educational Development, Human Development and Children's Studies. His experience focuses on better understanding and supporting the ways developing children actively contribute to shaping their enviornments.

with the support of


We are grateful to the educators who believe in the Kids on Earth concept, and provide us the opportunity to interview kids. As we build the Kids on Earth library.

media makers

We thank the international producing community who has volunteered to tell local stories in places we cannot yet afford to visit. Kids on Earth is a truly a community effort by a global connected community.

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